Thursday, February 23, 2012


It has been a long time since I have posted anything. We have had the crazies of packing and moving. I have learned not to put a timer on things (OPSEC) to make all people a little safer. I love my husband my kids and my Dad. Moving is long and draining for all involved. I want everything to be unpacked but yet don’t want to miss the good stuff. After speaking with an old friend I realized that the stuff is worth more than the clean house.
Every day I unpack a little more and sort out the buried belongings that are needed. Every day we continue to unpack. Yes, there still are chores but, mom has been out of work due to building maintenance (poisonous fumes) in the office. Instead of getting mad about dirty socks that may be on the floor because of a certain soldier man she calmly picks them up. Instead of forcing a certain 14 year old to do the dishes she washes them herself. Instead of making the family crazy about helping unpack and getting frustrated about where they put it she puts it away herself. Just as she did with the most of the packing.
Today is the second day back to work for a whole day in 19 days. I miss being home. I miss being mom and house wife. I yearn for the day I can stay home and unpack and clean without getting mad because I have worked all day.
Do you work at home or in an office? Are your kids all in school all day and your husband gone too? Would you rather be staying home and playing mom or just work in an office and come home and Also be mom and servant?
I enjoy one job at a time…

Saturday, February 4, 2012

To Catch A Moment

As many have stop by to read and listen it is getting close, time for my soldier to get prepared for leaving. BCT, that used to be something that would smoothly roll off our lips like nothing, BCT. Now it seems like a bad word that has been created and only whispered in our home. As our kids are packing to move to our new house since our home sold (quickly too) we stay and linger a little longer to quietly talk of the things I will be wanting him to know while he is gone and the things he will want me to remember. He will be here many weeks still but with the move and preparing my Dad for his move across three states time seems to fly by being our enemy.

Enemy, that it is a bad taste in my mouth. Enemy is a strong word but in this case that is what time is for us right now. It really hit home when our home sold and now that we are moving to this strange new house with different tricks that need to be learned and different schedules to be made everything is changing so soon. A change that will leave us alone for many months and the growth we will accomplish during this time may be a growth with pain. Half a year to be accurate. I hear of these ladies who have little ones that they need an extra arm for carrying children in and out of their home. A new happiness wipes across my face realizing once again that we have stepped up to the plate as we have been called and I respect and honor my husband for the decision he has made. Our kids are big and may be a helping hand that some mother is going to need at our new town.

My kids whom are 13 and 14 anxiously await our orders to find out all that we can. Again, back to where my husband and I spend a little too much time lingering. We speak of decisions that will have to be made while he is away. Things, memories, and our treasures that will have to be sold while he is gone to prepare for our next move. He gently reminds me to have our boy mow the lawn and our daughter is old enough to help with laundry. What he does not know is those chores help me not think about time. Time doesn’t exist when I am busy.

Photography. I will be enrolled to not one but two of these classes while he is gone and maybe even guitar. I love him and for the first time I can look at us and smile with so much love. His love has been strong and deep lately. Every time he puts his arms around me I feel like something has changed in him. What I do not know. He is being stretched and he is growing into the man God has called him to be. What did your BCT/AIT feel like when your soldier prepared to leave?

What did your BCT/AIT feel like when your soldier prepared to leave?